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Monthly Blogging

No time to write? Hire our professional bloggers for monthly blogging.

Whether you need two or eight or more blog posts per month or aren’t sure where to begin, the Blogging Badass team of professional bloggers is here to guide you.

Why is blogging important to your marketing efforts?

A website alone will not drive traffic to your business. Neither will a social media only content strategy. Businesses today need consistent content creation along with curation of the best content from other sources to create excitement and engage their audience.

Think blogging is a one-time investment? Think again.

Blog posts can be re-purposed to newsletters, shared on social media, used as the starting point for videos and podcasts. A professional blogger can also take video content that you’ve already done to create written content that drives visitors to your website.

Monthly Blogging by Professional Bloggers

Create consistency and expand the voice of your brand when you purchase a monthly blogging package written by our team of professional bloggers.

  • Identify your target market
  • Answer their most asked questions
  • Explore topics you want your clients and prospects to know about you, your team, industry, and business

All monthly blogging packages (minimum 2 posts per month) and include development of blog post ideas, keywords that get your brand noticed online, shared list of ideas for future posts, and content added directly to your WordPress website. Monthly check-in emails or calls.

Working with you, our team of professional bloggers writes blog posts that are 350-500 words each. Needs something different? Let’s talk.

Fill out our Contact Us form to get started today!

Let’s Talk!


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