Let's Talk! 480.206.6452

About Me

I grew up in an Irish Catholic home surrounded by her family and a constant stream of stories. From the time I was young I recall having the dream of being a writer.

After graduating from the University of Connecticut with a degree in Economics, I had a series of analytical jobs. Not exactly the right place for an aspiring writer but life has a funny way of bringing us to exactly where we need to be.

In 2010 corporate America kicked me out as part of a corporate reorganization.

Struggling with my lack of motivation to update my resume and go on interviews, my friend asked, “What do you love to do?”

My initial reaction was to say that I loved going to the office and getting paid every other week but that was far from the truth. In reality, I wanted more freedom than corporate America provided.

And I wanted to be a professional writer.

It’s all I ever wanted to be.

The dream was alive and well.

I set a course of networking and learning to start and grow my business.

These days I am focused on being a Blogging Badass (yes, that’s a real thing) where I am creating kickass content for my clients and showing others how to do the same. Blogging Badass is a group for business owners, solopreneurs, freelancers, and entrepreneurs who want to get their business noticed online by combining kickass blog content and social media. Join us in Blogging Badass!

At McAuley Freelance Writing, words matter. What you say and how you say it is the difference between landing a deal and losing a customer. I write stories that speak to your target audience. My projects have included:

  • Website copywriting and blogging
  • Creation and Execution of Content Strategy
  • Ghostwriting blogs, articles, and books
  • Professional Bios and About pages
  • Email campaigns
  • Newsletter, newspaper, and magazine articles
  • Social media management and consulting

Connect with me on LinkedIn to see samples.

When I am not crafting blog posts or writing copy for websites, I am spending time with friends and family. I have dreams of becoming a stand- up comedian, writing a best-selling novel, and living in a home near a beach. For now, I’m in Arizona trying not to melt in the summer, remembering how I don’t have to shovel snow in the winter.

Connect with me at anne@annemcauley.com or 480-206-6452 to learn more about how I can help your business with content creation.