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You’ve Written a Blog Post. Now What?

Written by Anne McAuley Lopez on . Posted in Blogging for Business Owners

You’ve written a blog post. Now what? It’s sitting on your blog waiting for people to find it but no one is finding it. Why? You’re going to think this sounds weird but people want to be told what to do.

No one wants to be told what to do….or do they?

When it comes to content marketing, people want to be told what to do. They want to be told where to find the information they need. They want to know who the best bloggers are and when they post new content.

How do you share your blog posts?

  • Share on multiple social media sites multiple times over multiple days. Change the message – take a sentence from the post that will catch readers’ attention, ask a question, make a statement about the blog topic – then add a link to the post.
  • Choose the right social media platforms for your brand.
  • Utilize a social media site like Hootsuite to schedule posts.
  • Use the blog post as the message for a newsletter. I don’t recommend using the exact post or the entire post. Add a link to the entire post with a note like for the entire blog post on this topic please visit [insert name of post with a link].

Social media is a moody beast. You have to attract the right people so you can share what you think they want to know. Then you have to keep sharing over multiple social sites.

Is it hard work? Yes, schedule time on your calendar for writing posts and social sharing.

Will it get you more views on your blog? Yes, especially if you’re writing topics your following wants to read.

How do I know? Because I do it.

Don’t let your blog posts sit on your blog. Tell people where they can find your blog by using social media. There’s no secret formula but with some time, you can grow your blog views.

Let’s Talk!


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