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Why You Need a Blog Editorial Calendar

Written by Anne McAuley Lopez on . Posted in Blogging for Business Owners, Content Marketing

It is becoming more and more clear that my clients and I need to have a plan bigger than “I will blog about your business for you.” We need an editorial calendar of topics and sources from which I can work. That way they know what I am writing. I know it’s approved by them. And it saves time for both of us.

Why You Need a Blog Editorial Calendar 

  1. Mapping your blog. Whether you have a ghostblogger likeme writing for you or you’re writing your own posts, an editorial calendar provides a roadmap of topics on which you’re writing.
  2. Plan posts by category. Select 3-6 categories for your blog and focus your attention on those. Keep in mind it’s your blog and you can change it. The initial list will help you write to a certain audience and/or about particular topics related to your business.
  3. Stay focused. You know the topics and categories on which you’re blogging. Focus on those first. If you have other ideas, write them on your list and save them for later.

If you’re a business owner who wants their business to be found online by prospective clients, you need to be blogging. At McAuley Freelance Writing, we help our clients develop their marketing message and can help you develop your blog message. Contact us today to get started. Call 480-206-6452 or email [email protected].

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